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Australian feature film shines light on pioneering gold rush cameleers


Australian feature film shines light on pioneering gold rush cameleers

Following its success at the 2020 Venice Film Festival, acclaimed Australian drama The Furnace premiered on 30 November, shining a light on the ‘Afghan’ cameleers during the 1800s gold rushes at its premiere on 30 November.

The Furnace premieres as part of Lotterywest Films Perth Festival from 30 November – 6 December before being available at 110 cinemas around Australia from 10 December 2020.


All that glitters is gold: Deloitte WA Index

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All that glitters is gold: Deloitte WA Index

The Deloitte WA Index’s gold report is a tale of two decades, covering gold’s transition from Y2K to the COVID-19 pandemic and everything in between.

Discover how the same asset that was used to support various monetary systems around the globe in the 20th century remains a key element in today’s economic tapestry, with its intrinsic value and ability to weather market declines, rising inflation and depreciation of currency.

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