Northern Star Resources, KCGM and Newmont Boddington Gold were all finalists in the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) 2017 Community Partnership Awards for successfully forming meaningful relationships and enduring outcomes for communities. 

Abraham Van Niekerk, Ashleigh Shelton, Richard Gordine, Ray Carbine, Guy Singleton and Clifford Cutter receiving a Certificate of Merit for the Martu Ranger Program in the 2017 Community Partnership Awards.

Insights from these programs were shared at the 2017 Awards for Excellence seminar late last year and are now available online (see below). 

"It is wonderful to see three gold mines receive significant government recognition for their innovative and enduring contributions to the communities in which they operate," said Northern Star Resources Chief Executive Officer Stuart Tonkin. 

"The gold sector plays a fundamental role in the development of Western Australia’s social and economic fabric, and it is through these partnerships we are working with our communities and continuing gold's positive legacy to the State."

DMIRS Executive Director of Resource Tenure Rick Rogerson said the good work that is being done between industry and the community is a story not often told.

“There are some fantastic partnerships in Western Australia that are making a real difference to communities around the State and by sharing these stories the department hopes to see new partnerships formed and industry standards lifted,” Mr Rogerson said.

“One of the common factors in the presentations was the importance of the investment from the staff in the resources sector, their willingness to include the community in their own organisational culture was a factor in the effectiveness of the partnership.”

The Wiluna Martu Ranger Program – Tarlka Matuwa Piarku Aboriginal Corporation, Central Desert Native Title Services and Northern Star Resources

KCGM and KBULG Environmental and Sustainability Partnership – Kalgoorlie-Boulder Urban Landcare Group and Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines

The Industry Road Safety Alliance – Shires of Boddington, Collie and Harvey, RoadWise, Main Roads WA, Road Safety Commission, WA Police, Department of Transport, Synergy, South 32 Worsley Alumina, Newmont Boddington Gold and Premier Coal

Minister for Mines and Petroleum, the Honourable Bill Johnston announced the opening of the 2018 Awards for Excellence program on 13 February. For more information about the Awards for Excellence please visit
