Delivery of dynamic Gold Class Sessions by passionate industry workers and exclusive Gold Resources Kits, as part of the Gold Industry Group’s (GIG) National Gold Education Program, have been a hit since its recommencement in Western Australia for Term 3, with glowing feedback from facilitators, teachers and students. 


Gold class facilitators from Gold Road Resources, Gold Fields and Northern Star Resources Limited delivered 13 Gold Class Sessions at five Primary schools and three Secondary schools across Perth, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda and Norseman to date.

Primary school students in Years 4, 5 and 6 were taught how to create pulley systems for different scenarios and how important safety is within the gold industry. Secondary school students in Years 7 8 9 and 10 learnt how to explore for gold deposits by analysing gold ore formations and interacting with a series of geological and geophysical maps to choose an area of interest for gold mining. Both engaging activities incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning and were developed in conjunction with Earth Science Western Australia.

Gold class facilitators from Gold Fields, Processing Superintendent Peter Bogensperger and Personal Assistant Annika Turnbull, shared their rewarding experience when delivering the first regional session at East Kalgoorlie Primary School at the start of Term 3.

“It was so exciting for us and for the kids, we had enough time to do all three pulley scenarios as well as the bonus scenario. Watching the students work through their different ideas to get the ‘Gold Bar’ up the incline was fantastic. They were creative in their thinking but came up with some great methods using the pulley systems. We even had one group ask if there was an extra ramp they could use so they could pull their bar up the ramp and then down the other side,” said Ms Turnbull.

“They were a great bunch of kids and very eager to learn! The students knew what STEM was and had some brilliant questions about gold, such as how it is used and where it can be found. Thanks again for involving us in this fantastic initiative,” Ms Turnbull added.

East Kalgoorlie Primary School Science and Physical Education Teacher Kate Lavery was thrilled with the level of students’ engagement in the Program’s activities.

“Thank you again Annika and Peter for coming to our little school and engaging our students in STEM activities. They absolutely loved it. I have been asked numerous times what they will be doing next week! It was such a great STEM session and understandable for multiple age groups. Clearly my lessons are not as exciting and engaging as yours,” said Ms Lavery.

Likewise, gold class facilitators from Gold Road Resources, Investor Relation Manager Duncan Hughes and Principal - Corporate Development Steven Hulmes, felt proud to be the first to pilot the Secondary school session at Perth’s Mercedes College, inspiring future leaders of Australia’s gold industry. Mr Hughes’ passion for educating the next generation was evident as he dived into delivering his second Gold Session at Iona Presentation College.

“Having worked in the gold sector most of my life I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I was very keen to educate and share my experiences with the next generation of potential gold industry professionals.

“As the first to present the gold session to secondary school students I was interested to gauge how it was received. I was delighted with the way the students engaged in a healthy discussion and presentation. The course materials were ideal for the age group and it was a rewarding experience all round,” said Mr Hughes.

Other passionate gold class facilitators include Northern Star Resources Land Administration Geologist Jenny Abello who delivered four sessions at Beaumaris Primary School, Gold Fields Organisational Development and Learning Manager Luke Daniel who delivered a session at Hillman Primary School, Gold Fields Vice President Legal and Compliance Kelly Carter who delivered two sessions at Lake Monger Primary School, Gold Fields Stakeholder Relations Manager Eddie Sheppard who delivered two sessions at St Michael’s School and Gold Fields Exploration Superintendent Mike Fitzgerald along with Senior Exploration Geologist Jay Stafford who jointly delivered a session at Norseman District High School.

By the end of Term 3, seven new gold class facilitators were trained, and the GIG are delighted to have members AngloGold Ashanti Australia and Evolution Mining take part in the Program for Term 4 2020, with a further 18 Gold Sessions scheduled at four schools in Western Australia.

Due to COVID-19 impacts, delivery of Gold Sessions in Victoria and New South Wales continue to remain on hold until situation improved however the popular Gold Resources Kits ran out in Term 3, as schools in every State and Territory ordered 300 of the exclusive free Kits available. The Kits attracted a high volume of interest in the industry and a demand for further engagement, with another 500 kits being prepared.

“A very big thank you for the Gold Resources Kit. It is already in the classroom being utilised. Great rock samples, information and learning resources. Thank you for making this available for schools,” said Campbell Town District High School Science Teacher and VET Coordinator Jill Bennett.

“I received the Kit and am very keen to use it in the classroom, thank you. The same ore in different rock types is particularly useful,” added Fort Street High School Science Teacher Gabriel Guy.

The Kits include real rock and gold samples from gold mines in Victoria and Western Australia, such as shale rock, dolerite rock, gneiss rock, pegmatite rock, basalt rock, a gold leaf vial and a geological hand lens; as well as a variety of fun and engaging STEM tools and activities linked to the Australian Curriculum, to excite Primary and Secondary students about Australia’s diverse gold sector. Materials include a Teacher Guide, Gold Specimen map, Gold Careers poster, Get into Gold flyer and Discover Gold in Your Life booklets, available for free on the GIG’s website.

The National Gold Education Program is an education initiative by the Gold Industry Group and is backed by AngloGold Ashanti Australia, Westgold Resources, Evolution Mining, Regis Resources, Gold Fields, Kirkland Lake Gold, Newcrest Mining, Northern Star Resources Limited, Gold Road Resources, Ramelius Resources and ABC Refinery.

